Five tips for newborn baby sleep at night

Tips to make babies sleep soundly at night – of course this one is a problem that is most common to a newborn baby and will make parents often complain of less sleep at night. Such conditions also often make some parents more sensitive and faster emotions.

Basically the problem is a very common problem and will always be experienced by every new parent who has a baby. Because the newborn baby will always spend almost all the time just to sleep. Usually when the baby is 3 to 5 months old will spend about 5 hours to sleep in a row.

What causes trouble sleeping babies?

Even though a baby is seen as just sleeping, in fact they not only spend the time sleeping as a baby's bedtime will be divided in different times. Where a baby can just sleep just a few hours ago wake up again for a few minutes and go back to sleep again.

As already discussed in the previous review if the sleep cycle of a newborn baby is not the same as the adult sleep cycle. Because a baby will spend more time just sleeping and it is also very important to grow it.

Causes of baby fuss and trouble sleeping

Besides the cycle of a newborn baby is not the same as adults, there are some things that cause newborn babies to sleep at night. Here's an explanation:

1. Get your baby playing when you sleep

The first cause of fussy and hard-to-sleep is to have him play for a moment before his time to sleep. This condition is also often the cause of a baby hard to sleep well because when the mother asked him to play the time before the child sleep then it will be soluble in the excitement when the mother asked her to play.

Therefore, it is good for the mother to pay attention and record when the right time to take her to play and when it is a good time to sleep. Because in that way the little ones will not fuss and the sleep will also be more qualified.

2. Baby's body condition that is too tired and vice versa

Other with adults, when the body of a baby is very tired then it will be very difficult to sleep well. In addition this condition will also make the baby more often awakened and will become more fussy than usual.

So as a parent, it's good to avoid getting him to play too long so that his tiny body is not exhausted. Besides being able to make it more fussy, sleeping is not quality can also make the growth of the developer disturbed.

3. Baby Feeling Hungry

When a baby is hungry, it can also be difficult to sleep well and will make it more frequent at night. In a study, a newborn baby was more in need of nutritional intake. In general, a newborn child up to the age of 18 months, is obliged to get a meal every 4 hours a day or can also adjust to the willingness of the child.

4. The biological clock of babies not stable

Almost all newborn babies do not have a stable or true biological clock, this is because the baby's body is still developing and the baby's body will start to get the biological clock when it reaches 3 to 4 months. But sometimes some babies need a longer time to get their biological hours.

Although this is closely related to growth of small flowers, but the mother still can help her adapt and familiarize herself to sleep well. Try to get it up and sleep at the same time every day.

How to cope with baby insomnia

In overcoming babies who are hard of sleep at night is easy-easy to hard, but if you are diligent then this way will definitely work. Here are some trouble solving baby sleep at night:

1. Choose a dim light

How to cope with the first hard-to-sleep babies is to use dim lights in their rooms. Although it sounds trivial but this way has proven effective to make babies sleep soundly at night.

2. Learn about your small and sleepy signs

In addition to the first way, mother is also obliged to learn the signs when the little sleepy. When the mother had seen a small sleepy sign and then she invited her to the bed and got the bed was calm and minimal light.

If mothers apply the way routinely then babies will become accustomed to sleep on their own and more punctual. Usually a sleepy baby will be marked by brushing the eyes, yawning and eyes looking watery.

3. Invite playing during the day

Usually a baby will be more asleep at night if during the day is invited to play. Invite the little one to play with the game you like and try not to make it play in the afternoons.

4. Make a schedule for your little ones

It does make a baby to follow the schedule that mothers make is not easy and it takes hard work and never give up. But if it succeeds, the little one will be accustomed to following the schedule that the mother made and the mother will not be staying up again.

Make a schedule for when you have to drink breast milk, when it's playing and when it's time to spend your day and night. Do it slowly and regularly until the baby gets used to the schedule.

5. Avoid inviting babies to play when they're new builds

How to cope with the last hard sleep baby is to avoid to get it to play when it is just waking up. In addition, avoid having to give it any toy when waking up at night, because this way will teach it if the night is not the time to be playing.

How, is it easy and simple not to cope with babies who sleep at night? If the above ways still have not succeeded then the mother can also try to massage slowly part of the baby's body when she woke up other than hungry.

But remember that not all of the ways to cope with the baby sleep above can succeed, because each child has a different way of nurturing it. In addition to the condition of a baby, how to educate each parent is also different, some like and let the baby wake up at night and there are also some parents who do not want his baby to wake up at night. So many information can be given, hopefully can give a useful information for all. Thanks.