Fifteen types of food to avoid illness in the first trimester of pregnancy

Food to avoid during pregnancy-the type of food consumed by pregnant women is very different from women who are not pregnant. This is because pregnant women are obliged to pay attention to the types of foods that are allowed for consumption and which should not be consumed.

It is also aimed at maintaining and fulfilling the daily nutritional needs that are needed to grow the fetus in the bladder. Because not all types of foods it has benefits for fetal health, because there are several types of food that the night can exacerbate the health of the fetus being in the bladder.

Therefore, for first trimester pregnant mothers it is advisable to always keep a diet every day. Then what food is forbidden when pregnant young?

List of foods to avoid when pregnant

Maintaining a diet is certainly the key to fulfilling the nutritional intake that is needed by the fetus. In addition to mothers obliged to know the kind of food that is good for consumption on a regular basis, mothers are also obliged to know about the types of foods that are forbidden for pregnant women consumption. Well, here are some food lists that must be pregnant mothers avoid during first trimester pregnancy:

1. Raw Vegetables

Of course, everyone will think that consuming vegetables is very healthy, but do you know that some types of raw vegetables are not good for pregnant women? This is because there are several types of vegetables that contain harmful bacteria to the health of the fetus, such as bean sprouts, green beans and also leaf clover.

Because the bacteria contained in the vegetable is very difficult to clean even if it has wash it thoroughly. But the bacteria will die if the vegetables are cooked until cooked.

2. Eggs are still raw

Besides not recommended to consume vegetables that are still raw, young pregnant women are also obliged to not consume eggs that are still raw. This is because the raw egg has a very dangerous content of Salmonella bacteria for the health of the fetus being in the bladder.

Although the bacterial content does not directly attack the fetus that is in the bladder but Salmonella bacteria can make pregnant women have problems in health such as diarrhea and also vomiting. But pregnant mothers can still consume eggs but try the eggs that are ripe perfectly.

3. Sushi

If you are a very fond of raw food such as sushi or sashimi, it is advisable to reduce eating Japanese food if the mother is still in pregnancy. Because the sushi is on the list of dietary restrictions for pregnant women.

Sushi ingredients such as fish or various types of seafood are either raw, or half-baked can harm the fetus. Because raw food that is not properly processed can have parasites or bacteria that are still alive in it. Especially if the preparation place is not sterile. Therefore, if the mother wants to avoid the danger then reduce or stop while consuming sushi or other raw foods when pregnant.

4. Types of fish containing mercury

Fish is not in the Pungkuri have many benefits especially for pregnant. Tapia da Some kind of fish that is not good in consumption in the period of pregnancy. One of them contains many mercury that can have a bad impact during pregnancy.

Examples of fish that are not recommended to eat because it contains a number of mercury which is a lot of tuna, mackerel, sharks and swordfish. If excessive consumption of the fish during pregnancy can cause disruption to the fetus nerve.

Salmon and mackerel fish should also be restricted, due to exposure to dioxin and polychlorinated brominated (PCB) pollutants. If the mother wants to consume fish in the period of pregnancy should not be too excessive and minimize the portion of its asupannya.

5. unpasteurized milk

Milk is a very healthy drink for everyone, including young and old expectant mothers. Because milk has a nutrient content that is quite abundant such as vitamins, minerals and also calcium that is good for the health of the body and the health of the fetus in the womb.

Although milk is safe for pregnant women, but the mother should also pay attention to the milk that will be consumed because the unpasteurised milk is not recommended for consumption by pregnant women. This is because unpasteurised milk can have a bad impact for health-like poisoning.

This is also because in unpasteurised milk or raw milk has a bacterial content that can trigger some problems such as dizziness, nausea and vomiting.

6. Juice from raw fruits

No different from nonpasteurized milk, the next thing that the mother should avoid is a ready-to-drink juice that is not pasteurized, non-pasteurised packaging juices and street food juices. Because sometimes the juice is sold on the road there is a lack of hygiene, whether it's the fruit that is not washed first, the water is not cooked, nor the ice cubes are less good quality.

Found in some cases, these juices have some containing e-coli and salmonella bacteria that can adversely affect health.  Therefore if the mother wants to drink juice, it would be good if making yourself at home. In order to ensure the sterility of the tools and materials used in the manufacture of juice. And also can know the freshness of the fruit or vegetable that will be used as juice.

7. Animal organ

For some people certainly consider that the organ is one of the food that is very good for consumption, but do you know that the organ is dangerous for pregnant women? Yes, based on a study mentioned that the organ of chicken innards and also beef offal is not very good for the health of pregnant women.

This is because inside the organ there is a very high content of vitamin A and if consumed in many quantities, the content of vitamin A in innards will instead adversely affect the health of the body and the fetus who is the mother of the blood.

8. Foods that contain caffeine

In addition to beverages containing caffeine, mothers should also reduce the intake of foods containing caffeine also in the period of pregnancy. Because if the food you consume contains too much caffeine will adversely affect the health of the fetus. The effects of caffeine for the fetus can result in impaired baby's heartbeat.

From some studies it was found that high caffeine consumption during pregnancy can cause a fairly high risk of miscarriage, which could even affect lower infant weight and even cause death in infants. Although this is still in a further research phase, it does not hurt us to be vigilant and reduce excessive caffeine intake.

9. Alcoholic beverages

In pregnancy it is better for mothers to reduce beverages containing alcohol. Because alcohol in the drink is forbidden to pregnant women because it can trigger the risk of miscarriage and the risk of birth of babies died. Whether the mother drinking alcoholic beverages in the amount of the slightest can cause bad influence as it interferes with infant brain development.

Although not food, alcoholic beverages are strictly forbidden for pregnant women because it can cause feta alcohol syndrome. This syndrome can cause facial abnormalities, heart, and mental retardation.

10. Fast Food

Who does not know fast food in these modern times. Fast food is popular with many kinds of varieties because it has a variety of variants, such as burgers, fries, fried chicken, etc. Although this food tastes so delicious, but in the period of pregnancy mothers must try to avoid it. Because this fast food usually contains many trans fats that can increase the risk of heart disease, obesity, childbirth premature or even cause a large fetal size (macrosomia).

11. Still Raw meat

The food is not healthy for the next pregnant woman that is raw meat. Where the meat is still raw or cooked half-cooked has toxoplasmic parasites that are very dangerous for the health of pregnant women. If the parasite is already in consumption, it can cause infection to the fetus.

However, pregnant women are still allowed to consume meat but try to eat the meat perfectly cooked. The way to know the meat that is cooked perfectly is to look at the inside of the meat, if there is no part that is pink then it can be said if the meat is ripe.

12. Soft Cheese

Soft cheese is one of the food that is a dietary for consumption during pregnancy. Because this soft cheese can cause some adverse effects for pregnancy. It is because in the cheese is contained listeria bacteria. If you can avoid consuming the type of cheese such as Danish blue cheese, goat cheese, Roquefort, Camembert, gorgonzola, etc.

If the mother wants to consume cheese, choose a hard cheese that has gone through the process of pasteurization (the process of deadly bacteria or harmful organisms). So mothers can consume cheese during pregnancy, such as parmesan cheese and cheddar.

13. Salad Dressing

Salad is a healthy food, but the sauce commonly used in salads is also one of the restrictions for pregnant women. The complementary salad sauce such as Caesar or mayonnaise has an egg and this sauce is dangerous if you make it yourself at home. Therefore if the mother wants to consume salads choose a sauce that has passed the process of maturation or sauce that does not contain eggs in it.

14. Herbal Drinks

In American Pregnancy Research it is said that pregnant women do not consume herbal drinks such as ephedra or Efedrina, Rosemary, Dong Quai and Kencur. Because this type of herbal drink can adversely affect the consumption like drugs, or excessive consumption. For example, Dong Quai herbal drink can cause stimulant uterus that can stimulate the occurrence of excess contraction.

According to research in America, it is also said that herbal herbs such as Gingseng, Aloe vera, to Tea (chamomile tea & dandelion tea) should be avoided when in pregnancy. And it is highly recommended if you want to drink tea to choose ordinary tea leaves.

If the mother wants to drink herbal drinks, it is good consulting first with a doctor of trust mother.

15. Supplements and fish oil

In pregnancy, the mother is obliged to eat and drink nutritious, and adequate intake of vitamins. However, there are some types of vitamins that must be mothers, namely supplements, vitamins and fish oil that contain A lot of vitamin A. Because too much intake of vitamin A in the body can harm the fetus. So if the mother wants to consume supplements or fish oil should consult first with a doctor in order to get the proper advice from the doctor.

That's fifteen kinds of foods to avoid when pregnant young, hopefully with the above reviews can benefit all mothers. Remember, consumption of pregnant women food is not the same as food consumption for women who are not pregnant ya mother. So many information can be given, hopefully can give a useful information for all. Thanks.