Seven characteristics of easily recognizable early stage breast cancer

Characteristics of breast cancer – until now breast cancer is one of the very deadly diseases for women besides cervical cancer. Where there has not been a study getting an answer about what causes the cancer growth in the breast, but the conclusion of the study stated that the unhealthy lifestyle such as consuming food is not Healthy and infrequent exercise can be a major factor in the cause of breast cancer in women.

Early stage breast cancer or more often called Stage 1 is breast cancer whose appearance can still be recognized by the presence of a small lump in the breast. Generally, the size of the lump appears about 2 cm or sometimes can also be smaller than that. While still in the early stages, the lump still has not spread to the lymph nodes present in the armpits and other neural structures.

Early stage breast cancer characteristics

When breast cancer is still in the early stages it tends to be safe and can be immediately treated with natural medicines or can also be with a doctor. If the condition does not immediately be overcome or just let alone then do not close the possibility of breast cancer will become worse.

Eating from this we are obliged to know how the early traits of breast cancer so that we can treat it early on. Here are some traits of stage 1 breast cancer that you should know:

1. Changes in breast skin color

Often, skin discoloration is misinterpreted as signs of infection or allergies. However, you should also remain vigilant, because if coupled with the emergence of bumps especially on the breast part, it is not a regular infection. If viewed more thoroughly the symptom is one of the characteristics of breast cancer. In the early stages of breast skin will change color to reddish, as well as in terms of texture and skin tone will resemble orange peel, and also will feel the skin becomes thicker and squiggly on the breast skin area.

2. Pain in the Nipple

You should also pay attention to other traits of breast cancer the next. If breast cancer is at stage 1, the characteristics that you should beware of is the occurrence of changes that are quite visible in your nipple.  Usually the nipple will feel pain and pain, and will exit the abnormal fluid from the nipple. The nipple will also feel too deep.

3. Onset of underarm bumps

In addition to the characteristics of breast cancer that appears in the breast, apparently it can also appear on the armpits. The usual sign appears to be a lump under the armpit. The emergence of a lump under this armpit because of the breast tissue extends to under the armpit, and this is one of the causes why cancer can emerge and spread through the lymph nodes under the armpits.

4. Nipple Discharge

According to the reviews on the discharge of the nipple is also one of the characteristics of the detection of breast cancer.  When the nipple secretes an unusual fluid, the liquid is dilute or thick. And it has a varied color whether it is clear colored, green, yellow, even red as blood. So if this is the case you should be vigilant and immediately consult your trust physician. In order to be immediately detected whether it is cancerous or not.

5. Appearance of lump in breasts

The presence of a lump in the breast is an early symptom of breast cancer that is easiest to identify. Although the lump is sometimes invisible to the naked eye, it is felt to be touched and the lump feels dense to the touch. The lump is usually painless, but some of the studies have also found some people who feel the opposite.

6. Enlarged breasts next to

The following early stage breast cancer characteristics are the changes in the breasts that are quite noticeable. If your breasts are noticeably enlarged but next to them, then it could be one of the traits of this cancer. The emergence of these cancerous cells often causes the whole or part of the breast area to be swollen.  If seen in normal breasts, the size of the two sides is indeed a big next door, but if it is due to cancer then the difference will be very clear. On the side of the breast that is affected by cancer will look very swollen so it will appear to drop or decline from the other. Breasts will also feel toned and skin as interested.

7. Nipple entry

Attacking the cancer cells in the breast can also change the cell behind the nipple. And it often causes the nipple to be reversed, or it can be seen the indented nipple goes inside. It is known if a normal nipple will usually appear prominent out. But even if we have to stay alert, we do not immediately make sure it is cancerous, because the changes in the appearance of the nipple can also be caused by infection or cyst.

Therefore, it is highly recommended once to recognize the characteristics of early stage breast cancer as above. In addition, you are also obliged to do REALIZE (breast self-examination) every month.

If you are diligent to do REALIZE then this can help you to recognize how your own breast structure and you will also be able to know more quickly if there is a discrepancy in the breasts.

As we have also known if breast cancer is very deadly as is the case with cervical cancer. Therefore the sooner we detect the disease, the higher the number of our success in curing it.

In addition to the doctor's test, preventing breast cancer can also be done by maintaining a healthier lifestyle such as consuming healthy food and diligent exercise every day. So many information can be given, hopefully can give a useful information for all. Thanks.