Seven safe ways to cope with premature ejaculation at home

Premature ejaculation is a condition in which a man is unable to withstand ejaculation while he is having intercourse. In medical, there are a lot of factors that can cause a man to experience premature ejaculation, ranging from biological factors to psychological factors. Then how to overcome premature ejaculation in men?

In overcoming premature ejaculation in men is not difficult and is quite easy for you to do at home. To overcome these problems can use natural materials that exist in nature or can also use medicines that have been directly in the prescription by the doctor. But before that we know first the cause of men to experience premature ejaculation.

Causes of a man to experience premature ejaculation

According to some doctors, premature ejaculation can be experienced by some men because of the many factors such as psychological or physical factors of the man itself. For the psychological cause often experienced by men is stress, depression and also excessive anxiety over some of the things that exist in his life.

As for the physical cause that makes the person experiencing premature ejaculation is the presence of disorders of the teroid hormones, disorders of the prostate, disorders of the reflex and disorders occurring in other hormones.

Usually the condition can heal on its own, but in some cases premature ejaculation in men can only require treatment specifically from the doctor. Therefore, for those of you who are experiencing the problem do not hesitate to consult a doctor.

How to solve premature ejaculation problems with natural remedies

To overcome the problem of premature ejaculation in men does not necessarily have to the doctor, because there is a way you can do at home. Here are some natural ingredients to cope with premature ejaculation in men without drugs:

1. Chinese Ginseng (Panax ginseng)

To treat premature ejaculation problems that often haunts the first man is to use Panax ginseng, i.e. ginseng originating in eastern China. A study shows that the content of active substances in Chinese ginseng is able to smooth the blood flow inside the male penis so as to avoid ejaculation problems.

2. Clove

Clove oil is also known for its complete content and has benefits for health, but is it really cloves can cope with premature ejaculation in men? Of course yes, because Clove also has active compounds such as cinnamon and ginseng. This active compound is able to treat premature ejaculation in men slowly.

3. Cinnamon

Cinnamon also includes spices that have benefits such as clove and ginseng. Where the content in cinnamon is able to prevent a man from having premature ejaculation problems and making intercourse longer.

But you need to know also if the benefits still need further research to be able to know clearly whether Cinnamon can actually provide benefits to men or not.

Other ways to cope with premature ejaculation in men

Solving the premature ejaculation problems that occur in men can be done by applying natural ingredients above that, but for the results to be maximal, you can also do the following ways:

1. Kagel Gymnastics

The first way you can do it is to do Kagel gymnastics or suppress the base of your penis when you want to ejaculate when you connect. But this way often makes a loss of sensation when you have intercourse with a partner. But by doing this you can make that intimate relationship longer.

2. Frequent intercourse

Some early ejaculation cases often occur due to the anxiety of sexual performance inside, but if you increase the intensity of the intimate relationship with your wife, you will be more able to build a sense of comfort and divide Your shortcomings.

3. Using condoms

In addition to the above two ways, the use of condoms that contain anesthetic drugs such as lidocaine at the end will give effect to prevent ejaculation for 5 minutes. This will make your intimate relationship with your spouse longer than usual.

4. Train breathing

The last way you can do at home is to train breathing. Because the short, rapid breath can make the heart beat quickly, which makes you quicker to ejaculate when having intercourse. Therefore, try to train to be able to breathe longer than usual.

When you have problems such as premature ejaculation, then you should not be sad or ashamed of your partner. Because stress, anxiety and depression will even make the problem worse and can be permanent. Besides being able to do the above treatment, overcoming premature ejaculation in men can also be done with medication to the doctor. So many information can be given, hopefully can give a useful information for all. Thanks.