How to get papaya leaf benefits for true health

Papaya leaves in the know have a bitter taste and more often used as animal feed. But if we are careful further, behind the bitter taste of it turns papaya leaves have a myriad of health benefits. One of the benefits that we can feel is to solve the problem of constipation and dengue fever (DBD)

In a study that was once concluded when drinking papaya leaf juice has a better efficacy than processing it as a cooking ingredient. Not only that, the leaves of young and fresh papaya has a more complete content than the old or already cooked.

Then what is in the papaya leaf content?

A researcher from the University of Florida said that papaya leaves have a lot of active compounds. This active compound is known to be very effective in addressing health problems such as cancer and tumors.

Based on the research, mentioned also if the young papaya leaves have the content of Tocophenol, vitamin B1, calcium, protein, vitamin A, calcium and carbohydrates. In addition, papaya leaves that are still young also have an enzyme papain that has the efficacy to break down proteins.

As for the old papaya leaf content also has a content that is almost the same as the young papaya leaf, but for papaya leaves this one is more identical to the content of phenolic compounds, khimoproteins, and also lysozyme. For this enzyme lysozyme has efficacy as an anti-bacterial that is able to kill the bad bacteria that exist in the body.

What are the benefits of papaya leaves for health?

The benefits of papaya leaf juice can be felt because the nutrient content in it is a complete. Here are some of the benefits of papaya leaf for health:

1. Benefits of papaya leaves for nursing mothers

The content contained in papaya leaves is not only known for its health benefits but also beneficial for breastfeeding mothers. Some of the content is able to launch breast milk production. The way the mother can process it as a herbal medicine or can also as a daily cooking ingredient at home.

2. Benefits of papaya leaves for DBD

Not only is it good for nursing mothers but papaya leaf content is also good in addressing DBD (Bloody Deman). This is because papaya leaves in the know have the content of active substances that are able to stabilize the body condition of a person who has DBD. The way you can drink fresh papaya leaves boiled water regularly.

3. Papaya Leaf Benefits for digestion

The efficacy of young papaya leaves for further health is to maintain and improve the digestive system in our body. Consuming papaya leaf juice regularly can give a good impact in digestion. This benefit can also be felt from the content of carpin substance in it.

4. Benefits of papaya leaves in preventing cancer

Perhaps the benefits of the following are not very known by many people, namely preventing the growth of cancer cells in the body. This benefit you can feel because inside the papaya leaf has a very high antioxidant and antiosidan this is very useful in counteract free radical attacks that enter the body.

5. Benefits of papaya leaves to cope with acne

Everyone must have had acne problems and basically these pimples will emerge as a result of hormonal changes in the body. You can wear facial masks from young papaya leaves as a remedy to solve the problem of stubborn acne on facial skin. Use regularly to make the results more maximal.

6. Benefits of papaya leaf to increase appetite

The benefits of raw papaya leaf juice are to overcome the problem of children who are difficult to eat. If you are a parent and have a child who is difficult to eat, then the mother can try to give it water of papaya leaf. To overcome the bitter taste, mother can add honey to it.

7. Benefits of papaya leaves for bones

The benefits of papaya leaf for the next health is to maintain bone health and also teeth. This also in because papaya leaves have some content that is needed by the body like calcium. To get the benefits you can process them as vegetables or juice.

8. Benefits of papaya leaves to relieve painful menstruation

Some women who are menstruating will often feel the pain in the abdomen. Normally the pain can disappear on its own, but some cases of pain in the menstrual period can last long. Well, to overcome this you can try to consume a light papaya leaf juice or papaya leaf tea.

9. Benefits of papaya leaves for hypertension

For those of you who have problems with high blood (hypertension) do not worry anymore, because there is a simple enough way to solve the problem. The trick is to consume water stew from fresh papaya leaves. Try not to add sugar to the boiling water.

10. Benefits of papaya leaves for diabetes

Naturally everyone is prone to experiencing high blood sugar problems or diabetes. There are many factors that can trigger a person to experience the problem and one of them is in an unhealthy diet. But you don't have to worry, because there is an easy way to solve the problem.

The trick is to use papaya leaf decoction. To make it, prepare in advance a few strands of dried papaya leaves and boiled with water as well. Boil until the water stays setegah and strain. Drink water stew regularly so that the blood sugar levels can be normal again.

11. Papaya Leaf Benefits for hair

In addition to health, the benefits of papaya leaves for beauty also do not need to be more. Because papaya leaves have a phytochemicals content that is very useful in maintaining the health of hair and make the hair become more dense. To use it you can use papaya leaves as a mask for hair routinely.

How to cultivate papaya leaves as medicine

To cultivate papaya leaves as medicine, can be done in several ways and depends on the needs of each. Here are 3 ways to cultivate the right papaya leaves:

1. As a juice

To get the benefits of papaya leaves, you can process them to be made as juice. In the making, prepare the first few strands of fresh papaya leaves. Then blend with blender until it becomes porridge and drink regularly. If you do not like the bitter taste, then you can also add honey or sugar in it.

2. As a tea

Besides you can make juice, papaya leaves can also be made for tea. How to dry some papaya leaves first, after that boil with water to taste. Boil until the water lives half and strain. Add a little sugar, then drink while warm.

3. As a mask

The last way is to cultivate papaya leaves as a skin mask. For those of you who want to do home treatment with affordable buget can try to make masks from papaya leaves. The same way as the first one, puree the fresh papaya leaves and add some spoons of honey. Once so, use this mask regularly so that the results can be maximized.

Papaya Leaf side effects for health

The efficacy of papaya leaves for health is not necessary to doubt, but behind it there is a problem that can happen to some people who consume papaya leaves. Below are some of the papaya leaf side effects:

1. Harmful to pregnant women

The benefit of papaya leaves for nursing mothers is not necessary, but this benefit is quite the opposite for pregnant women. Where pregnant mothers are not recommended to consume young papaya leaves, because it has a papain enzyme content. These enzymes can harm the fetus that is in the stomach.

2. Trigger an allergic reaction

For those who consume papaya leaves correctly will not have problems, but if consuming it in a lot of numbers then it can cause problems in the body. In some cases, a person who consumes excessive and overly frequent extract of young papaya leaves can trigger an allergic problem.

Therefore, know in advance the safe limit in consuming the juice of young papaya leaves so as not to cause more serious problems in your body. Maybe that's just the information that admins can boast about the benefits of papaya leaf for health. So many information can be given, hopefully can give a useful information for all. Thanks.